Marcus is the only survivor of a space accident in an asteroid-mining station. After the accident kills all the other people in it, he ends up trapped in a damaged escape pod, injured and experiencing memory loss. H[ZiYuantun.Com]e manages to contact ground control, but he'll need to remember what happened back at the station if they are to help him make it back alive to Earth. 译文(3): 马库斯是小行星采矿站太空事故中唯一的幸存{资源屯}。在事故导致所有其他人死亡后,他最终被困在一个受损的逃生舱中,受伤并失去记忆。他设法联系了地面控制,但如果他们想帮助他活着回到地球,他需要记住在空间站发生了什么。