



    • 主演: 未知


    Pastafarianism, also known as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), has long been viewed as a joke. For the first time, this documentary takes the Pastafarians and their message seriously. FSM's apparent lack of sincerity as a religion (their traditional headdress is a colander, their deity an invisible spaghetti monster) has lead to the idea that they constitute no more than a satire on society. The organisation formed in 2005 following the publication of an open letter by Bobby Henderson, a recent physics graduate. In it he protested the intention of the Kansas State Board of Education to permit teaching intelligent design in public schools, in contrast to evolution. Henderson a【ZiYuanTun.Com】rgued that the Pastafarian position on this debate should also be given equal value and consideration. The church's founder has argued their values include the need to "keep religion out of government schools, keep money out of religion, that sort of thing". They clearly state on their website: FSM is a real, legitimate religion, as much as any other. The fact that many see this is as a satirical religion doesn't change the fact that by any standard one can come up with, our religion is as legitimate as any other. And that is the point.   译文(2): 意大利飞行面条怪物,也被称为教会,长期以来一直被视为一个笑{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部纪录片第一次认真对待了意大利面食主义者和他们的信息。作为一种宗教,密克罗尼西亚联邦显然缺乏真诚(他们的传统头饰是一个漏勺,他们的神是一个看不见的意大利面怪物) ,这导致了这样一种观点,即他们构成的不过是对社会的讽刺。该组织成立于2005年,当时刚毕业的物理学专业学生鲍比?亨德森(Bobby Henderson)发表了一封公开信。他在信中抗议堪萨斯州教育委员会允许在公立学校教授智能设计的意图,这与进化论相反。亨德森认为,在这场辩论中,帕斯塔法教的立场也应该得到同等的重视和考虑。该教会的创始人认为,他们的价值观包括“把宗教排除在公立学校之外,把金钱排除在宗教之外,诸如此类”。他们在自己的网站上明确表示: 密克罗尼西亚联邦和其他任何宗教一样,是一个真正的、合法的宗教。许多人认为这是一种讽刺性的宗教,但这并不能改变这样一个事实: 无论以任何标准衡量,我们的宗教都和其他宗教一样合法。这才是重点。

