This is a documentary about a man living in Greenland following the tradi【ZiYuanTun.Com】tional Inuit way of life. It shows his daily struggles with finding enough food, building an igloo all set against a stunning back drop of the icy artic wilderness. An emotive soundtrack complements the beautifully shot HD footage. 译文(2): 这是一部纪录片,讲述了一个生活在格陵兰岛的人遵循因纽特人的传统生活方式的故{资源屯}。它展示了他每天为了找到足够的食物而奋斗,建造了一个冰屋,所有的一切都建立在冰冷的极地荒野的背景之上。一个感人的配乐补充美丽的高清镜头。