


类型: 纪录 电影 美国 2016

豆瓣ID:27043956 豆瓣评分:8.4

IMDb链接: tt6188658 IMDb评分:6.9

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:食物进化WEB-1080P下载 食物进化免费下载 食物进化 

时长:92 分钟

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Food Evolution looks at one of the most critical questions facing the world today-that of food[ZiYuantun.Com] security-and demonstrates the desperate need for common sense, solid information, and calm logical deliberation. Using the often angry and emotional controversy over genetically-modified foods as its entry point, Food Evolution shows how easily fear and misinformation can overwhelm objective, evidence-based analysis. Food Evolution takes the position that science and scientists hold the key to solving the food crisis. But whose science? In the GMO debate, both sides claim science is on their side. Who's right? How do we figure this out? What does this mean for the larger issues of food security, sustainability, and environmental well-being? Food Evolution seeks to answer these critically important questions.   译文(2): 食物进化研究了当今世界面临的最关键的问题之一——食物安全问题,并展示了对常识、可靠信息和冷静的逻辑思考的迫切需{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。通过对转基因食品的愤怒和情绪化的争论作为切入点,《食品进化》展示了恐惧和错误信息是多么容易压倒客观的、基于证据的分析。粮食进化论认为科学和科学家是解决粮食危机的关键。但是谁的科学呢?在转基因生物的争论中,双方都声称科学是站在他们一边的。谁是对的?我们要怎么解决这个问题?这对粮食安全、可持续性和环境福祉等更大的问题意味着什么?食物进化试图回答这些至关重要的问题。

