



    • 主演: AnnHaleyJennaFang


    SOMEWHERE BETWEEN tells the intimate stories of four teenaged girls. They live in different parts of the US, in different kinds of families and are united by one thing: all four were adopted from China because all four had birth parents who could not keep them, due to personal circumstances colliding with China's "One Child Policy". These strong young women allow us to grasp what it is like to come-of-age in today's America as trans-racial adoptees. At the same time, we see them as typical American teenagers doing what teenagers everywhere do...struggling to make sense of their lives. Through these young women, and their explorations of who they are, we ourselves pause to consider who we are - both as individuals and as a nation of【ZiYuanTun.Com】 immigrants. Identity, racism, and gender...these far-reaching issues are explored in the documentary. And with great honesty and courage, these four girls open their hearts to experience love, compassion, and self-acceptance.   译文(2): 介于两者之间的某个地方讲述了四个少女的私密故{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他们生活在美国的不同地区,生活在不同的家庭中,他们因为一件事而团结在一起: 这四个孩子都是从中国领养的,因为他们的亲生父母无法抚养他们,因为他们的个人情况与中国的“独生子女政策”发生了冲突。这些坚强的年轻女性让我们了解当今美国跨种族被收养的成年人是什么样子。与此同时,我们把他们看作是典型的美国青少年,做着世界各地青少年都在做的事情... ... 努力让自己的生活变得有意义。通过这些年轻女性,以及她们对自我的探索,我们自己停下来思考我们是谁——无论是作为个人还是作为一个移民国家。身份、种族主义和性别... ... 这些影响深远的问题在纪录片中被探讨。带着无比的诚实和勇气,这四个女孩敞开心扉去体验爱,同情和自我接纳。


