



    • 主演: 未知


    Two men and one woman are the last people on Earth. They are reduced to savagery, mate with the woman, and they learn to survive on a deserted island. They discover a dog living on the island with them, and the woman takes the dog as a lover, too.   Shot on a shoestring with a cast of four--two men, a woman, and a canine--Eligio Herrero’s sci-fi fantasy Animales racionales (1983) is a scandalously ribald cult oddity. Existing in a dystopian future where nearly everyone on the planet has died, the film’s four survivors reduce themselves to primitive impulses in order to survive.   In a post-apocalyptic world, two men strive for the attention of [ZiYuantun.Com]the only remaining woman. The woman encourages the men to fight over her, rewarding the victor with sexual favors. When the men catch the woman sleeping with a German Shepherd, all hell breaks loos{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}! There is no dialogue in the film, aside from grunts and groans.


