Seven Devils

Seven Devils




    A series of vignettes explore the seven deadly sins. In 'Lust', a blind woman hires a sex worker in the hopes of over coming her lack of sexual experience. In 'Wrath', a healer brings a stabbed convict back from the dead. In 'Greed', two off duty police officers, looking for a place to make out, get held at gun point by two organ harvesters; who refuse to let them go. In 'Gluttony', a priest decides to take time out from listening to confessions, buys drugs from a mute, and parties alone. In 'Envy', Kathy, a lonely ghost, attempts to connect with her home's inhabitants. In 'Pride', Valerie Lina, an image obsessed model escapes to a secretive plastic【ZiYuanTun.Com】 surgeon in the country side to get a 'new look', and lastly - in 'Sloth', a silent segment, three squatters struggle to survive whilst hiding out in an abandoned warehouse.   译文(2): 一系列的小插曲探索了七宗{资源屯}。在《色欲》中,一个失明的女人雇佣了一个性工作者,希望以此来克服她缺乏性经验的问题。在《愤怒》中,一个治疗师让一个被刺死的罪犯起死回生。在《贪婪》中,两个下班的警察想找个地方亲热,却被两个器官收集者用枪指着,他们拒绝放他们走。在《暴食》中,一个牧师决定从听忏悔中抽出时间,从一个哑巴那里买毒品,然后独自参加聚会。在《嫉妒》中,凯西,一个孤独的鬼魂,试图与她家里的居民建立联系。在《傲慢》(Pride)中,瓦莱丽 · 莉娜(Valerie Lina) ,一个着迷于形象的模特逃到乡下一个神秘的整形外科医生那里,以获得一个“新面貌”。最后,在《懒惰》(Sloth)这个无声的片段中,三个棚户区居民在一个废弃的仓库里为生存而挣扎。

