Abby Singer/Songwriter

Abby Singer/Songwriter



    • 主演: 兰迪·甘比尔Karl


    In ABBY SINGER/SONGWRITER, Jamie Block - a divorced stockbroker has- been who was once an indie-rock star signed to Capitol Records - meets Onur Tukel, a hapless middle-aged filmmaker who has just moved to Brooklyn. In this coming-of-middle-age story, Onur persuades Block to sink his money into a se- ries of increasingly absurd music videos to promote his comeback as a musician. Desperate to impress his two beautiful, nonchalant teenaged daughters, Block casts them in the videos, which then play on multiple screens throughout this hallucinatory film. As tension mounts between director and musician Block's bank account and grip on reality dwindle. ABBY SINGER/SONGWRITER blends documentary and narrative with the lost art of the music video to tell the story of a comeback, a crack-up and a breakthrough.   译文(3): 在《ABBY SINGER/SONGWRITER》中,离婚的股票经纪人杰米·布洛克(Jamie Block)遇到了刚刚搬到布鲁克林的倒霉中年电影制作人奥努尔·图克尔(Onur Tukel{资源屯}。在这个即将步入中年的故事中,奥努尔说服布洛克把钱花在一系列越来越荒谬的音乐视频上,以宣传他作为音乐家的复出。为了给他的两个美丽、冷漠的十几岁女儿留下深刻印象,布洛克把她们放在视频中,然后在这部充满幻觉的电影的多个屏幕上播放。随着导演和音乐家布洛克的银行账户之间的紧张关系加剧,对现实的掌控也逐渐减弱。ABBY SINGER/SONGWRITER将纪录片和叙事与失落的音乐视频艺术融合在一起,讲{Ziyuantun.Com}述了一个复出、突破和突破的故事。

