In the aftermath of a major bio-weapons attack in London, DR AMY TENANT and a former colleague DR. REES WAKEFIELD find themselves in a locked-down laboratory debating whether to save the life of suspected terrorist, CLARE MAHEK. As spies breach the per[ZiYuantun.Com]imeter to silence the suspect, our scientists find themselves trapped inside the impenetrable labyrinth of The Complex. 译文(2): 在伦敦发生大规模生化武器袭击之后,艾米 · 特南特博士和他的前同事里斯 · 韦克菲尔德博士发现自己身处一个封闭的实验室里,正在讨论是否要挽救恐怖分子嫌疑人克莱尔 · 马赫克的生{资源屯}。当间谍突破封锁线让嫌疑人闭嘴时我们的科学家发现自己被困在了复合体无法穿越的迷宫里。