Marketing the Messiah

Marketing the Messiah



    • 主演: 理查德·卡里尔杰弗里·邓恩


    How {Ziyuantun.Com}much do you *really* know about how Christianity got started? Whether you are a Christian, atheist, or member of another faith, it's impossible to ignore the impact that Christianity has had on Western civilization. But most people, including many Christians, don't have a solid grasp of the history of early Christianity - even though it's hinted at in the New Testament. Many people still think the gospels were written by the people whose names adorn the books. Many people still think those people were eyewitnesses of Jesus. Many people don't realize how much Paul of Tarsus reinvented early Christianity to suit his own vision, and how much tension he created with the original disciples. Over the last century, New Testament scholars have examined the text word by word to tease apart the true history from accepted tradition. In this light-heated but factual film, we tell the "true" story of early Christianity with the help of twelve biblical scholars, Renaissance masterpieces and ...   译文(2): 关于基督教是如何起源的,你到底知道多少?无论你是基督徒、无神论者还是其他信仰的成员,你都不可能忽视基督教对西方文明的影{资源屯}。但是大多数人,包括许多基督徒,对早期基督教的历史没有一个可靠的把握——即使在新约中有所暗示。许多人仍然认为福音书是由那些用他们的名字来装饰书本的人写的。许多人仍然认为那些人是耶稣的见证人。许多人没有意识到塔尔苏斯的保罗为了迎合自己的愿景,对早期基督教进行了多大的改造,也没有意识到他与最初的门徒之间产生了多大的紧张关系。在过去的一个世纪里,新约学者们逐字逐句地研究文本,从公认的传统中梳理出真实的历史。在这部轻快而真实的电影中,我们在十二位圣经学者、文艺复兴时期的杰作和... 的帮助下,讲述了早期基督教的“真实”故事。


