Blood Feast

主演:罗伯特·拉斯勒 卡罗琳·威廉姆斯 苏菲·蒙克 莎蒂·卡茨 马克斯·埃文斯 安妮卡·施特劳斯 赫舍尔·戈登·刘易斯 


类型: 恐怖 电影 美国 2016

豆瓣ID:26663872 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt4847546 IMDb评分:3.9

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:Blood Feast1080P蓝光下载 Blood Feast免费下载 Blood Feast 

时长:90 分钟

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Fuad Ramses and his family have moved from the United States to France, where they run an American diner. Since business is not going too well, Fuad also works night shifts in a museum of ancient Egyptian culture. During these long, lonely nights he is repeatedly drawn to a statue representing the seductive ancient goddess ISHTAR. He becomes more and more allured by the goddess as she speaks to him in visions. Eventually he succumbs to her deadly charms. After this pivotal night, Fuad begins a new life, in which murder and cannibalism become his daily bread. He starts to prepare a ritual FEAST to honor his new mistress, a lavish affa{Ziyuantun.Com}ir dripping with BLOOD, organs, and intestines of human victims. As butchered bodies are heaped upon the Altar of Ishtar, Fuad slowly slips further into madness, until he is no more than the goddess's puppet; and she thirsts for the blood of Fuad's wife and daughter too...   译文(2): 福阿德 · 拉美西斯和他的家人从美国搬到了法国,在那里他们经营着一家美国餐{资源屯}。由于生意不太好,福阿德还在一家古埃及文化博物馆上夜班。在这些漫长而孤独的夜晚,他不断地被一座代表着古代女神伊什塔的雕像所吸引。当女神在幻象中对他说话时,他变得越来越受到女神的诱惑。最终他屈服于她致命的魅力。在这个关键的夜晚之后,福阿德开始了新的生活,谋杀和同类相食成了他的日常生活。他开始准备一个仪式性的宴会,以纪念他的新情妇,一个豪华的事件滴血,器官和肠子的人类受害者。随着被屠杀的尸体堆积在伊什塔尔的祭坛上,福阿德慢慢陷入疯狂,直到他不再是女神的傀儡,而女神也渴望着福阿德妻子和女儿的鲜血... ..。

