Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Charles Ferguson (Inside Job, No End in Sight) turns his lens to address worldwide climate change challenges and solutions in his new film Time to Choose. Featuring narration by actor Oscar Isaac (Ex Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis), Time to Choose leaves audiences understanding not only what is wrong, but what can to be done to fix this global threat. Ferguson explores the comprehensive scope of the climate change crisis and examines the power of solutions already available. Through interviews with world-renowned entrepreneurs, innovators, thought [ZiYuantun.Com]leaders and brave individuals living on the front lines of climate change, Ferguson takes an in-depth look at the remarkable people working to save our planet. 译文(2): 奥斯卡获奖纪录片查尔斯·弗格森《监守自盗》(Inside Job,No End in Sight)在新片《抉择的时刻》(Time to Choice)中将镜头转向全球气候变化的挑战和解决方{资源屯}。由演员奥斯卡 · 艾萨克(《机器前传》 ,醉乡民谣)担任旁白,《抉择时刻》不仅让观众明白什么是错误的,而且让他们明白如何才能解决这个全球性的威胁。弗格森探讨了气候变化危机的全面范围,并研究了现有解决方案的力量。通过对生活在气候变化前线的世界知名企业家、创新者、思想领袖和勇敢个人的采访,弗格森深入了解了那些致力于拯救地球的杰出人士。