On April 5, 1980 four college pals-Bill Berry, Peter Buck, Mike Mills and Michael Stipe-took the stage together for the first time to play at a friend's birthday party. The band they started that night stayed together for thirty years and changed the shape of rock music. R.E.M. By MTV tells R.E.M.'s story in their own words, through three decades of performances and interviews R.E.M gave to MTV channels in the USA and around the world. Featuring revealing, never-before-seen footage, R.E.M. By MTV tells the amazing story of a band that did it their own way, and changed how a generation of musicians after them did it, too. 译文(2): 1980年4月5日,四个大学同学——比尔 · 贝瑞、彼得 · 巴克、迈克 · 米尔斯和迈克尔 · 斯蒂普——第一次一起登上舞台,在一个朋友的生日派对上表{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。那天[ZiYuantun.Com]晚上他们组建的乐队在一起呆了三十年,改变了摇滚乐的形式。REM By MTV 用他们自己的语言讲述了 REM 的故事,通过30年的表演和 REM 对美国和世界各地的 MTV 频道的采访。由 MTV 制作的 R.E.M 以前所未见的镜头为特色,讲述了一个乐队的惊人故事,他们以自己的方式做到了这一点,并改变了他们之后的一代音乐家是如何做到这一点的。