Holy Hell

Holy Hell



    • 主演: 未知


    Holy Hell is the over-the-top, outrageous, sexually-deviant, blood-drenched story of Father Augustus Bane: a priest pushed too far who begins praying to a revolver and hunting down the gangsters who killed his parishioners. In the vein of recent al{Ziyuantun.Com}ternative horror/comedies like "Machete" and "Hobo with a Shotgun", HOLY HELL is a modern take on 60's and 70's B-Movie and Exploitation film tropes. The goal of this feature length movie is to break through every limit set by film, taste and reasonable societal behavior: all with anarchic glee.   译文(3): 《神圣的地狱》讲述了奥古斯都·贝恩神父的故事:一位牧师被推得太远,开始向左轮手枪祈祷,并追捕杀害其教区居民的歹{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。与最近的另类恐怖/喜剧类似;马切特(Machete);以及“;Hobo with a Shotgun”;,HOLY HELL是对60年代和70年代B级电影和剥削电影比喻的现代演绎。这部长篇电影的目标是突破电影、品味和合理的社会行为设定的每一个限制:所有这些都充满了无政府的喜悦。

