A Dog Named Gucci

A Dog Named Gucci



    • 主演: 未知


    A DOG NAMED GUCCI tells the story of a 10-week old puppy named Gucci who was hung by his neck, doused with lighter fluid, and set afire. Doug James, standing on his porch nearby, heard the puppy's cries and ran to help. He scared away the thugs and at the request of Gucci's 15-year-old runaway owner, took the dog in for the night. Thus began a 16-year odyssey of devotion and perseverance. Together with local legislators, Doug and Gucci would see the "Gucci Bill" passed, changing the laws in Alabama, making domestic animal abuse a felony. Gucci would go from being a survivor to a rock[ZiYuantun.Com] star, the face of animal abuse in the south. And together they proved one voice can make a difference and that justice really is a dog's best friend.   译文(2): 一只名叫古奇的狗讲述了一只名叫古奇的10周大的小狗被吊在脖子上,浇上打火机油,然后被放火烧死的故{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。道格 · 詹姆斯站在他家附近的门廊上,听到小狗的哭声就跑过去帮忙。他把那些暴徒吓跑了,并应古奇15岁离家出走的主人的要求,把狗带回家过夜。于是开始了16年的奉献和坚持不懈的冒险之旅。道格和古奇将与当地立法者一起,通过“古奇法案”,修改阿拉巴马州的法律,使家畜虐待成为一项重罪。古奇从一个幸存者变成了摇滚明星,成为了南方动物虐待的代言人。他们一起证明了一个声音可以改变一切正义真的是狗最好的朋友。


