Mau is the first-ever, feature-length documentary about the design visionary Bruce Mau. The film explores the untold story of his unlikely rise in the creative world, and ever-optimistic push to expand the boundaries of design. We tell the story of his incredible career - from Mecca to MOMA, from Guatemala to Coca Cola - and his most important project yet: his own life. 译文(3): 《毛》是第一部关于设计梦想家布鲁斯·毛的长篇纪录{资源屯}。这部电影探讨了他在创意界不太可能崛起的不为人知的故事,以及他对扩大设计界限的乐观推动。我们讲述了他令人难以置信的职业生涯——从麦加到MOMA,从危地马拉到可口可乐——以及他迄今为止最重要的{Ziyuantun.Com}项目:他自己的生活。