We are not alone in the universe. Alien life is here right now, contacting us in the form of Bigfoot, UFOs, orbs, and other inter-dime【ZiYuanTun.Com】nsional paranormal phenomena. These experiences are changing human nature as we have known it. Learn how researchers have identified locations where portals are opening to reveal many forms of nonhuman intelligence - intelligent lifeforms that are being kept secret. 译文(3): 我们在宇宙中并不孤{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。外星生命现在就在这里,以大脚怪、不明飞行物、球体和其他跨维度超自然现象的形式与我们联系。这些经历正在改变我们所知道的人性。了解研究人员是如何确定门户开放的位置,以揭示许多非人类智能形式——被保密的智能生命形式。