Cry of the Wild

Cry of the Wild



    • 主演: 未知


    This feature-length documentary from Bill Mason imparts his affection for the big northern timber wolves and the pure-white Arctic wolves. Filmed over three years in the Northwest Territories, British Columbia, the High Arctic [ZiYuantun.Com]and his home near the Gatineau Hills in Quebec, Mason sets out to dispel the myth of the bloodthirsty wolf. Going beyond the wolf's natural habitat, Mason relocated three young wolves to his own property and was able to film tribal customs, mating and birth. As a result, Cry of the Wild offers viewers access to moments in wildlife never before seen on film   译文(3): 比尔·梅森的这部长篇纪录片表达了他对北方大灰狼和纯白色北极狼的喜{资源屯}。梅森在西北地区、不列颠哥伦比亚省、北极高地和魁北克加蒂诺山附近的家中拍摄了三年多,他开始消除嗜血狼的神话。梅森超越了狼的自然栖息地,将三只幼狼转移到了自己的庄园,并拍摄了部落习俗、交配和出生。因此,《荒野之哭》为观众提供了前所未有的野生动物时刻

