Annie's Point

Annie's Point




    Richard Eason is flat-out filling his late father's shoes as CEO of an east Coast real estate developing company, so he can't spend nearly as much time with mother Annie and daughter Ella as they would like. Annie is dead-set on visiting a place in California where she and her late husband hoped to build their dream house and convinces Ella, who wants to drop out of school and aspires a singing career, to drive along. Ill-prepared but tempestuously stubborn, they embark on an adventurous road trip, where Ella meets hunky waiter Scott Tardy. Learning Annie needs surgery soon, Richard gives chase.   译文(2): 作为东[ZiYuantun.Com]海岸一家房地产开发公司的首席执行官,理查德?伊森(Richard Eason)完全接替了他已故父亲的位置,因此他无法像母亲安妮(Annie)和女儿艾拉(Ella)希望的那样,花那么多时间陪伴她{资源屯}。安妮决心要去加利福尼亚州的一个地方,她和她已故的丈夫希望在那里建造他们梦寐以求的房子,并说服想辍学并渴望从事歌唱事业的艾拉开车前往。虽然准备不足,但是他们非常顽固,他们开始了一次冒险的公路旅行,在那里艾拉遇到了英俊的服务生斯科特 · 塔尔迪。得知安妮很快就要动手术,理查德追了上去。

