




    Simon Orwell is a brilliant student whose life has taken a series of wrong turns. At the point of giving up on his dreams, he gets a call from an old professor who has discovered a breakthrough in a device that would create unlimited energy, and he needs Simon's help. But once he crosses the border, nothing goes as planned. The professor has been killed and Simon is assaulted and nearly killed by members of a powerful drug cartel. Now he must take refuge in the only place that will help him - a local orphanage. There, Simon meets Harold Finch, the proprietor of the orphanage who walked away from a lucrative career with NASA and consulting Fortune 500 companies to serve a higher cause. With Harold's help, Simon sets out on a quest to uncover who killed the professor and why, but in the process discovers the secret to both the world-changing device and his own unlimited potential.   译文(2): 西蒙 · 奥威尔是一个才华横溢的学生,他的人生经历了一系列的错{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。就在他要放弃梦想的时候,一位老教授给他打了个电话,他发现了一种可以产生无限能量的装置,他需要西蒙的帮助。但是一旦他越过边境,一切都不会按计划进行。教授被杀了,西蒙被袭击了差点被一个强大的贩毒集团的成员杀死。现在他必须在唯一能帮助他的地方避难当地的孤儿院。在那里,西蒙遇到了哈罗德 · 芬奇,孤儿院的老板,他放弃了在美国国家航空和宇宙航行局获得丰厚利润的职业生涯,转而咨询财富500强公司,为更崇高的事业服[ZiYuantun.Com]务。在哈罗德的帮助下,西蒙开始寻找杀害教授的凶手和原因,但在这个过程中,他发现了这个改变世界的装置的秘密,以及他自己无限的潜力。

