Beyond the Wasteland

Beyond the Wasteland



    • 主演: 未知


    Shot in Australia, USA, Italy, France, Germany, and Japan, Beyond the Wasteland follows the fans from around the world who go to extraordinary leng[ZiYuantun.Com]ths in the name of Mad Max. Transporting us into the world of Mad Max, we explore the eccentric world of the fans, their costumes, and their machines as these oddball fans find their place amongst the Mad Max community. The documentary also follows original cast member, Bertrand Cadart as he continues his fight against stage IV leukaemia and travels from his home on the Sunshine Coast to the "Wasteland," the desert location of Mad Max 2 in Silverton, for the last time. Beyond the Wasteland not only celebrates life but the ability to change oneself through passion.   译文(3): 《荒原之外》在澳大利亚、美国、意大利、法国、德国和日本拍摄,讲述了来自世界各地的粉丝们以《疯狂的麦克斯》的名义付出的非凡努{资源屯}。带我们进入《疯狂的马克斯》的世界,我们探索了粉丝们的古怪世界,他们的服装和机器,因为这些古怪的粉丝们在《疯狂的Max》社区中找到了自己的位置。这部纪录片还讲述了原班人马伯特兰·卡达特继续与第四期白血病作斗争,并从阳光海岸的家中前往“;荒原,“;《疯狂的麦克斯2》最后一次出现在西尔弗顿的沙漠地带。《荒原之外》不仅赞美生活,还赞美通过激情改变自己的能力。

