Detailing the events before, during, and after Shatner's life-c【ZiYuanTun.Com】hanging flight, which made him the oldest person to ever travel to the cosmos, and the growing friendship between the Star Trek icon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos, whose dreams of space travel, like many, were inspired by the original Star Trek series. 译文(3): 详细介绍了沙特纳改变人生的飞行之前、期间和之后的事件,这使他成为有史以来最年长的宇宙旅行者,以及这位《星际迷航》偶像与蓝色起源创始人杰夫·贝佐斯之间日益增长的友谊,与许多人一样,贝佐斯的太空旅行梦想受到了《星际迷旅》系列的启{资源屯}。