Liv Morgan will introduces the world to Gionna Daddio, a struggling high school student with your dreams of becoming a WWE superstar. In her own words, Liv will navigates the highs and【ZiYuanTun.Com】 lows of her emotional and deeply personal journey, from her NXT to tryout the Riot Squad's debut to her multiple reinventions along the way. 译文(2): 丽芙 · 摩根将向世界介绍吉奥娜 · 达迪奥,一个奋斗的高中生,你的梦想是成为 WWE 的超级明{资源屯}。用她自己的话说,丽芙将导航她的情感和深刻的个人旅程的高潮和低谷,从她的 NXT 试用暴动小队的首次亮相,她的多个重新发明一路走来。