Roaming in the wild barren desert, a solitary woman is haunted by memories of mortality, innocence, love and beauty. In this stark and unforgiving landscape, visions of eerie entities are inextricably intertwined wit{Ziyuantun.Com}h the turmoil of this world, carrying the burden of shame, regret and guilt. Wolfe's music soothes the beauty of pain, while the land silently whimpers. 译文(2): 一个孤独的女人漫步在荒芜的沙漠中,被死亡、纯真、爱和美丽的记忆所困{资源屯}。在这片荒凉而无情的土地上,阴森恐怖的景象与这个世界的动荡不可分割地纠缠在一起,背负着羞耻、悔恨和罪恶的重担。沃尔夫的音乐抚慰痛苦的美丽,而大地默默地呜咽。