Paul Gregory is sprung from jail in London by his accomplice after getting a stretch as expected for robbing a woman who falls for his charms. Only he knows how to get to the money, but his partner is getting [ZiYuantun.Com]greedy and as things turn sour Gregory finds that home in Canada is a long way away 译文(3): 保罗·格雷戈里(Paul Gregory)因抢劫一名爱上他的魅力的女子而如预期那样被其同伙从伦敦监狱中解救出{资源屯}。只有他知道如何获得这笔钱,但他的伴侣越来越贪婪,随着事情的恶化,格雷戈里发现在加拿大的家很远