母親離家,父親無能,14歲的歐拉不得不操持家務,照顧自閉症的弟{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。然而,她一直渴望母親能夠回家,還給她「平凡」的少女生活。弟弟生命中的第一次聖餐禮將屆,歐拉計畫著:也許這是全家重聚的完美時刻。導演宛若這家庭的第四位成員,靜定地捕捉這家人的日常情緒、價值觀差異與對話,殘酷地展示了沒有童年的童年。(台北電影節手冊) When adults are ineffectual, children have to grow up quickly. Ola is 14 and she takes care of her dysfunctional father, autistic【ZiYuanTun.Com】 brother and a mother who lives separately; but most of all she tries to reunite the family. She lives in the hope of bringing her mother back home. Her 13 year old brother Nikodem's Holy Communion is a pretext for the family to meet up. Ola is entirely responsible for preparing the perfect family celebration. "Communion" reveals the beauty of the rejected, the strength of the weak and the need for change when change seems impossible. This crash course in growing up teaches us that no failure is final. Especially when love is in question.