Old West highwayman Bill Miner, known 【ZiYuanTun.Com】to Pinkertons as "The Gentleman Bandit," is released in 1901 after 33 years in prison, a genial and charming old man. He goes to Washington to live and work with his sister's family. But the world has changed much while he has been away, and he just can't adjust. So he goes to Canada and returns to the only thing familiar to him -- robbery 译文(3): 老西部拦路虎Bill Miner,平克顿人称他为“;绅士强盗;1901年,一位和蔼迷人的老人在入狱33年后获{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他前往华盛顿与姐姐的家人一起生活和工作。但当他不在的时候,世界发生了很大的变化,他就是无法适应。于是他去了加拿大,回到了他唯一熟悉的事情——抢劫