



    • 主演: Albert肯·凯西蒂莫西·利瑞罗纳德·里根


    In 1943, the year in which the first A-bomb was built, Albert Hofmann discovered LSD, a substance that was to become an A-bomb of the mind. Fractions of a milligram are enough to turn our framework of time and space upside down. The story of a drug - its discovery in the Basel chemistry lab, the first experiments by Albert Hofmann on himself, the 1950s experiments of the psychiatrists, the consciousness researchers, the artists. Could it actually be possible to find a path to the core of our human existence by means of a chemical? Spirituality at the flick of a switch? Do the enigmatic effects of this drug really help us to bett{Ziyuantun.Com}er understand the human soul? Could LSD be an instrument of contemporary psychiatry? Of modern brain research?   译文(2): 1943年,也就是第一颗原子弹被制造出来的那一年,阿尔伯特 · 霍夫曼发现了迷幻药,这种物质后来成为了人脑的原子{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。一毫克的分数就足以颠覆我们的时间和空间框架。一种药物的故事——它在巴塞尔化学实验室的发现,阿尔伯特 · 霍夫曼对自己的第一次实验,20世纪50年代精神病学家的实验,意识研究者的实验,艺术家的实验。有没有可能通过一种化学物质找到一条通往人类存在核心的道路呢?轻轻一按开关就能获得灵性?这种药物的神秘效果真的能帮助我们更好地理解人类的灵魂吗?LSD 会成为当代精神病学的工具吗?现代大脑研究?

