Lloyd The Conqueror

主演:布莱恩·波塞恩 埃文·威廉斯 泰根·摩斯 哈兰德·威廉姆斯 艾伦·坡尔 David Adrian 






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Lloyd the Conqueror features LLOYD, a lazy college student with big dreams for the future and his two best friends PATRICK and OSWALD. Desperately needing to pass their college Medieval Literature class in order to keep their financial aid, our heroes beg their teacher for extra credit work. Their professor, DEREK, concedes but only on one condition: They must join his deteriorating LARPing league and battle against him in a game of Demons & Dwarves. Unbekn[ZiYuantun.Com]owst to the students, Derek, a long reigning champion twisted to the dark side by his years of intense academic study has amassed a mighty army in the field behind the Elementary School. To prevail against his Horde of Chaos, Lloyd must enlist the help of CASSANDRA, ex-cage fighter and"Self Defense for Women" instructor and ANDY, local gaming merchant and former White Wizard, Champion of the Light who enjoys wrestling without clothes on.   译文(3): 《征服者劳埃德》的主角是劳埃德,一个懒惰的大学生,对未来有着远大的梦想,还有他最好的两个朋友帕特里克和奥斯瓦尔{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。为了维持经济援助,我们的英雄们迫切需要通过大学中世纪文学课,他们恳求老师做额外的学分工作。他们的教授德里克承认,但只有一个条件:他们必须加入他日益恶化的拉平联盟,并在魔鬼队的比赛中与他对抗;矮人。Derek是一位长期卫冕冠军,因多年的紧张学术学习而陷入黑暗,但学生们并不感到惊讶,他在小学后面的战场上集结了一支强大的军队。为了战胜他的混乱部落,劳埃德必须寻求前笼斗士CASSANDRA的帮助;女性自卫;教练和安迪,当地游戏商人,前白巫师,光之冠军,喜欢不穿衣服摔跤。

