Office workers and avid soccer fans Dan and Steve have bribed their way into a London premier league soccer stadium one evening after work fora once in a lifetime chance to play on their team's hallowed turf. Only when the match finishes and the lights go out do they realize they are trapped in a game for their own survival. 译文(3): 一天晚上【ZiYuanTun.Com】,上班族和狂热的足球迷Dan和Steve下班后贿赂他们进入了伦敦超级联赛足球场,这是他们一生中只有一次在球队神圣的草坪上比赛的机{资源屯}。只有当比赛结束,灯光熄灭时,他们才意识到自己被困在了一场比赛中,为了自己的生存。