Laine, a young woman on the run from the law, turns up at the Frontier, an isolated desert diner and motel. She is offered a job by Luanne, the owner, and, hoping to lose herself in the obscurity of the place, accepts the job. But soon Laine realizes she has stumbled into an even bigger and more dangerous situation. 译文(2): 莱恩,一个逃避法律制裁的年轻女子,出现在边境,一个与世隔绝的沙漠餐馆和汽车旅{资源屯}。店主卢安娜为她提供了一份工作,她希望在这个不起眼的地[ZiYuantun.Com]方迷失自己,于是接受了这份工作。但是很快莱恩意识到她陷入了一个更大更危险的境地。