In director John Stewart Muller's stylish psychological thriller, Mira Sorvino stars as Veronica, a politician's wife whose brief affair with a troubled young artist comes back to haunt her when he begins to infiltrate every part of her life. While her husband (Cary Elwes) and daughter (Katherine McNamara) are away, New Orleans psychiatrist Veronica Simon (Mira Sorvino) enjoys a weekend fling with Victor (Christopher Backus), an alluring young sculptor. But after Veronica calls off the affair, Victor refuses to let g[ZiYuantun.Com]o and will stop at nothing to have Veronica for himself. Just how far will Victor go to get what he wants, and is there anything Veronica can do to stop his mad obsession before it destroys her family? 译文(3): 在导演约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒(John Stewart Muller)执导的时尚心理惊悚片中,米拉·索维诺(Mira Sorvino)饰演维罗妮卡(Veronica),一位政治家的妻子,当一位陷入困境的年轻艺术家开始渗透到她生活的方方面面时,她与这位艺术家的短暂恋情再次困扰着{资源屯}。当她的丈夫(Cary Elwes饰)和女儿(Katherine McNamara饰)不在时,新奥尔良精神病学家Veronica Simon(Mira Sorvino饰)周末与迷人的年轻雕塑家Victor(Christopher Backus饰)狂欢。但在维罗妮卡取消了这段恋情后,维克多拒绝放手,并将不惜一切代价拥有维罗妮卡·自己。维克多要走多远才能得到他想要的东西?维罗妮卡能做些什么来阻止他疯狂的痴迷,以免它摧毁她的家庭吗