In this sequel to "The Paleface", Bob Hope and Jane Russell return as the lead characters. Hope plays Junior Potter, who returns to claim his father's gold, which is nowhere to be {Ziyuantun.Com}found. Throw in Russell as "Mike", the luscious head of a gang of thieves, and Roy Rogers as a federal marshal hot on her trail. Written by Becki Bozart 译文(3): 在“;“苍白”;,鲍勃·霍普和简·拉塞尔作为主角回{资源屯}。霍普饰演小波特,他回来认领他父亲的金子,但却找不到。再加上拉塞尔作为“;Mike”;,一帮盗贼的性感头目,以及罗伊·罗杰斯饰演的紧追不舍的联邦警长。作者:Becki Bozart