
主演:凯文·毕晓普 Ricky Dave 柯林·麦克法兰 皮帕·海伍德 拉尔夫·伊内森 多米尼克·科尔曼 马克·博纳尔 杰森· 


类型: 喜剧 电影 英国 2016

豆瓣ID:26882617 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt5995130 IMDb评分:5.6

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:PorridgeWEB-1080P下载 Porridge免费下载 Porridge 

时长:30 分钟

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Fletch's grandson Nigel is sentenced to five years in Wakely prison for cyber crimes. Kindly officer Braithwaite does deals with him but his harsh Scots colleague Officer Meekie is rather more vindictive. Nigel is given a cell-mate, the elderly Joe, who, forty years earlier was a fellow inmate of his grandfather whilst wing daddy Weeksy wants Nigel to use his 【ZiYuanTun.Com】hacking skills to help his parole chances. When this fails to go to plan and the prison's whole computer system crashes Nigel is able to save the day for a grateful governor and get one over on Meekie.   译文(2): 弗莱彻的孙子奈杰尔因网络犯罪被判在 Wakely 监狱服刑5{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。仁慈的警官布雷斯韦特确实和他打过交道但是他严厉的苏格兰同事米基警官报复心更强。奈杰尔得到了一个狱友,老乔,谁,四十年前是他的祖父的同狱犯人,而翼爸爸威克西希望奈杰尔使用他的黑客技能,以帮助他的假释机会。当计划失败,整个监狱的计算机系统崩溃时,奈杰尔就可以为一个心怀感激的州长挽救局面,并打败米基。

