Count Me In

Count Me In



    • 主演: 未知


    From heartbeat to backbeat, caveman to techno rave man, rhythm has driven our world for centuries. We journey with a cast of drummers, to discover the joy and exhilaration of a life dedicated to driving the beat. In their own words, we share the passion that has taken them from banging on pots and pans as kids, to playing on some of the world's biggest stages. Along the way, they pay tribute to the drummers that have influenced them, including the likes of Ringo, Charlie Watts, Keith Moon, John Bonham and Ginger Baker. You can have rhythm without music but you can't have music without 【ZiYuanTun.Com】rhythm.   drums   rock n roll   female drummer   rock music   jazz music   译文(3): 从心跳到背景音乐,从穴居人到技术狂欢者,节奏驱动了我们的世界几个世{资源屯}。我们与一群鼓手一起旅行,发现致力于推动节拍的生活的快乐和振奋。用他们自己的话来说,我们分享了他们从小时候敲打锅碗瓢盆到在世界上一些最大的舞台上表演的激情。一路上,他们向影响他们的鼓手致敬,包括林戈、查理·沃茨、基思·穆恩、约翰·博纳姆和金格·贝克。没有音乐你可以有节奏,但没有节奏你就不能有音乐。


