For over 40 years Ashur Shamis was Colonel Gadaffi's enemy number one in exile with a $1m bounty on his head. His dream of a 'free' Libya almost cost him his life and his family. Ashur's son uncovers a dangerous past and questions the choices his father made to inherit the mess Gadaffi left. 译文(2): 40多年来,阿舒尔 · 沙米斯一直是卡扎菲流亡的头号敌人,他被[ZiYuantun.Com]悬赏100万美元捉拿归{资源屯}。他的“自由”利比亚的梦想几乎让他失去了生命和家庭。阿舒尔的儿子发现了一个危险的过去,并质疑他的父亲继承卡扎菲留下的烂摊子的选择。