Based on the play by 'Joe Orton' this film follows the adventures of two pals who have pulled off a bank robbery and have to hide the loot. Fortunately (?) one of them works in a funeral parlour and they have a coffin to spare. Then there's the gold-digger nurse and the gona【ZiYuanTun.Com】d-grabber detective and a host of other wonderful characters. 译文(3): 这部电影根据“乔·奥尔顿”的剧本改编,讲述了两个朋友的冒险故事,他们抢劫了一家银行,不得不把赃物藏起{资源屯}。幸运的是,其中一人在殡仪馆工作,他们还有一口棺材。然后是拜金女护士、性腺掠夺者侦探和许多其他精彩的角色。