Tom, 12, an orphan who lives with his grandparents since the death of his mother, loves cars and spends all his free time in the garage with Raszynski a mechanic who teaches the boy how to repair and build them. But Tom has a nagging need to find his long lost father. One day he gives in to the urge, setting off on a journey across the southern province of Swietokrzyskie. Tom is not alone. He is accompanied by a mysterious friend, Gabriel, who proves to be a highly unusual road companion. 译文(2): 12岁的汤姆是个孤儿,自从母亲去世后就和祖父母住在一起,他喜欢汽车,所有的空闲时间[ZiYuantun.Com]都和拉辛斯基呆在车库{资源屯}。拉辛斯基是一名机械师,教这个男孩如何修理和制造汽车。但汤姆一直想找到他失散已久的父亲。有一天,他屈服于这种冲动,开始了穿越南部省份 Swietokrzyskie 的旅程。汤姆不是一个人。他有一个神秘的朋友加布里埃尔陪同,他是一个非常不寻常的同伴。