This gritty drama is set within 1980's England against the backdrop of the Mod, Skinhead and Biker subcultures. Danni is a young skinhead struggling with her home life and has fallen in with the wrong crowd. It's up to Terry Harrison,[ZiYuantun.Com] an old friend of the family's to help her out of it. 译文(2): 这部坚韧不拔的戏剧是设置在1980年的英格兰背景下的摩德,光头党和自行车亚文{资源屯}。丹妮是一个年轻的光头党挣扎与她的家庭生活,并已陷入了错误的人群。这取决于家族的老朋友特里 · 哈里森来帮助她走出困境。