Against the backdrop of New York City's epidemic of drugs and crime in the 1980s and 1990s, a unique style of basketball emerged on the city's courts defined by toughness, talent and swagger. Fashion and a fusion with hip-hop converged with basketball to change the game forever. Legends were born on playgrounds, high school gyms and in community centers. Names like Kenny "The Jet" Smith, Dwayne "Pearl" Washington, Ma{Ziyuantun.Com}rk Jackson and Stephon Marbury made famous a style of ball that forever changed the game. 译文(2): 在20世纪80年代和90年代纽约市毒品和犯罪泛滥的背景下,一种独特的篮球风格出现在纽约市的球场上,这种风格被定义为坚韧、才华和狂{资源屯}。时尚与嘻哈与篮球的融合将永远改变这项运动。传奇诞生于操场、高中体育馆和社区中心。像肯尼“喷气机”史密斯,德韦恩“珍珠”华盛顿,马克杰克逊和斯蒂芬马布里使著名的风格球,永远改变了比赛。