Nowadays, a war is ripping the Eastern end of Europe, with the general indifference of the rest of the continent. In the Donbass region, near Trokhizbenka, pro-Russian separatists have been facing Ukrainian troops for years. Initial fighting quickly led to stalemate and both armies started to dig to maintain their positions, in patterns reminding World {Ziyuantun.Com}War I famous trenches. This documentary explores soldier's humanity, bared by their idle daily life. 译文(2): 如今,一场战争正在撕裂欧洲的东端,而欧洲大陆的其他地区普遍对此漠不关{资源屯}。在 Trokhizbenka 附近的 Donbass 地区,亲俄分裂分子多年来一直面对乌克兰军队。最初的战斗很快导致了僵局,双方军队开始挖掘,以保持他们的位置,模式提醒第一次世界大战著名的战壕。这部纪录片探讨了士兵们懒散的日常生活所暴露出来的人性。