My Next Challenge

My Next Challenge



    • 主演: 未知


    A journey into the life of the French Spider-Man, Alain Robert, in his home in Bali to reminisce over his past feats, mapping the mind of a world-class daredevil. In our interview with Alain, we touch on both the high points and the low points of his career, including the numerous incidents he's had over the years and what it takes for him to return to a sport that has nearly taken his life so many times. We unlock the philosophy that drives him and his craft, the freedom he feels during the climb, the euphoria of looking fear in the eyes and{Ziyuantun.Com} saying "you can't stop me", all of which propel him into his impossible feats.   译文(2): 一个法国蜘蛛侠的生活之旅,阿兰罗伯特,在他的家在巴厘岛回忆他过去的壮举,绘制了一个世界级的不怕死的心{资源屯}。在我们对阿兰的采访中,我们谈到了他职业生涯中的高潮和低谷,包括这些年来他经历的无数事件,以及他回归这项几乎夺走他生命的运动所需要付出的代价。我们解开了驱使他和他的工艺的哲学,他在攀登过程中感受到的自由,看着恐惧的眼睛说“你阻止不了我”的欣快感,所有这一切都将他推向他不可能完成的壮举。


