A look at the history of one-time Gestapo commander Klaus Barbie, infamously known as "The Butcher of Lyon." This documentary's main focus will be on Barbie's post-war activities, in which he became a counter-intelligence agent who worked for the same countries that pursued him during WWII. Written by Anonymous 译文(3): 看看曾经的[ZiYuantun.Com]盖世太保指挥官克劳斯·芭比的历史,众所周知的“;里昂屠夫";这部纪录片的主要焦点将是芭比的战后活动,在这些活动中,他成为了一名反情报人员,为二战期间追捕他的国家工{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。匿名者撰写