




    Is it man, beast o【ZiYuanTun.Com】r both behind a string of savage maulings and murders in The Leopard Man? An escaped leopard provides the catalyst for a foray into fear in which castanets clack wildly, a cemetery is a rendezvous for death and love, and a closed door heightens rather than hides the horror of a young girl's fate. It's the third and final teaming of producer Val Lewton and director Jacques (Cat People) Tourneur.   This is usually considered one of the lesser Lewton horror flicks as well as a lesser entry in Tourneur's oeuvre. I think this is unfair, because aside from the rather pedestrian solution to the "mystery" and the lack of resources available to the filmmakers to more faithfully create the New Mexico setting and Hispanic characters, The Leopard Man is to this day a quite tense and frightening film.   This rip includes a commentary by director William Friedken (The Exorcist) and while he is obviously fond of the film and the filmmakers, he has never been the most interesting commentator. Still, it's worth a listen for the little gems that pop up now and then.   译文(3): 在《豹人》中,一系列野蛮的伤害和谋杀背后是人、野兽还是两者兼而有之?一只逃跑的豹子为陷入恐惧提供了催化剂,在恐惧中,响板疯狂地发出咔嗒声,墓地是死亡和爱情的交汇点,一扇紧闭的门加剧而不是掩盖了年轻女孩命运的恐{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这是制片人瓦尔·勒顿和导演雅克(《猫人》)·图尔纽尔的第三次也是最后一次合作。


