
主演:瑞克·斯克路德 维多利亚·普拉特 彼得·方达 伊利斯·莱韦斯克 Jorge 卡门·摩尔 史蒂文·格拉汉姆 麦克·多普德 


类型: 动作 奇幻 冒险 电影 美国 2008

豆瓣ID:3124149 豆瓣评分:5.1

IMDb链接: tt1156454 IMDb评分:4.1

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-23

TAG:地心游记1080P蓝光下载 地心游记免费下载 地心游记 

时长:90 分钟

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It's always difficult for me to watch a movie after having read the book it's allegedly based upon. Anyways, I decided to try this one, and I have to say I can't find any part of it that'd be based on the Jules Verne novel (except the title, of course). It's amazing to see how professor Otto Lidenbrock from Hamburg became Jonathan Brock, his nephew Axel became Abel, how his Danish guide Hans Bjelke morphed into Sergei Petrov, and how the expedition that originally started in ICELAND at the end of June, suddenly changed to Alaska in September. But most important is the complete lack of respect for the original plot and its characters, to the point that the movie shares nothing with the book they say it follows. I do understand that most books can not be adapted faithfully to the screen, but there's a difference between taking a fe{Ziyuantun.Com}w creative licences and making a completely different story. So, I'd like to ask Mr. William Gray to, PLEASE, read the book before saying his script is based upon it, or otherwise take the credits (and responsibilities) of signing his own stories.   译文(2): 对我来说,在读过据说是根据这本书改编的电影之后再去看电影总是很困{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。无论如何,我决定试试这本书,我不得不说,我找不到任何一部分是根据儒勒 · 凡尔纳的小说改编的(当然,除了书名)。看到来自汉堡的 Otto Lidenbrock 教授变成了 Jonathan Brock,他的侄子 Axel 变成了 Abel,看到他的丹麦导游 Hans Bjelke 变成了 Sergei Petrov,看到6月底在冰岛开始的探险队在9月突然变成了阿拉斯加,真是令人惊奇。但最重要的是完全不尊重原著的情节和人物,以至于电影与他们所说的书毫无共同之处。我明白大多数的书不能忠实地适应荧幕,但是获得一些创造性的许可和创造一个完全不同的故事是有区别的。所以,我想请威廉 · 格雷先生在说他的剧本是以此为基础之前先读一读这本书,或者以其他方式承担签署他自己的故事的荣誉(和责任)。

