Hiding Out

Hiding Out




    Hiding Out, a surprisingly entertaining and engaging action comedy, directed by Bob Giraldi, takes the implausible idea that an adult man could enroll in high school and pass as a student and makes it real. Andrew (Jon Cryer) is a stockbroker hunted by【ZiYuanTun.Com】 a professional killer. He flees to stay with his sister and her teenage son Patrick (Keith Coogan). Andrew shaves off his beard, cuts his hair, and enrolls in Patrick's high school, pretending to be 17 years old. Cryer does a great job of convincingly playing both ages, and Coogan shines as the teenage son. Director Giraldi has great visual style and gives the film an energy that makes it both enjoyable and believable. ~ Linda Rasmussen, Rovi   译文(2): 鲍勃 · 吉拉尔迪(Bob Giraldi)执导的动作喜剧《躲起来》(Hying Out)令人惊讶地娱乐性和吸引力十足,讲述了一个令人难以置信的想法: 一个成年男子可以进入高中,并以学生的身份通过考试,从而使这一想法成为现{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。安德鲁(乔恩 · 克莱尔饰)是一个被职业杀手追杀的股票经纪人。他逃到他的姐姐和她十几岁的儿子帕特里克(基思库根)。安德鲁剃了胡子,剪了头发,装成17岁的样子进了帕特里克的高中。Cryer 在扮演两个年龄段的孩子方面做得很好,Coogan 在扮演十几岁的儿子方面表现出色。导演吉拉尔迪有伟大的视觉风格,并给予电影的能量,使它既有趣又可信。~ Linda Rasmussen,Rovi


