From 1971 to 1973, Richard Nixon secretly recorded his private conversations in the White House. This revealing film chronicles the content of those tapes, which include Nixon's conversations on the war in Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers leak, his Supreme Court appointments, and more--while also exposing{Ziyuantun.Com} many of the 'blunt and candid' statements made by the President about women, people of color, Jews, and the 译文(3): 1971年至1973年,理查德·尼克松在白宫秘密录制了他的私人谈{资源屯}。这部揭露真相的影片记录了这些录音带的内容,其中包括尼克松关于越南战争的谈话、五角大楼文件泄露、他对最高法院的任命等,同时也揭露了总统对女性、有色人种、犹太人和媒体的许多“坦率和坦率”的言论”