I'm Fine, Thanks

I'm Fine, Thanks



    • 主演: 未知


    In a word, "I'm Fine, Thanks" is a movie about complacency, or why so many settle for mediocrity in their everyday life at the expense of a greater passion. It's a collection of stories on the choices we make and the paths we ultimately decide to follow. And - most importantly - whether or not that path is truly connected to who we are as individuals. First-time director and Wilmington native Grant Peelle narrates the film from the perspective of a fledgling filmmaker acting on his long-held passion to make movies. Together with four other crew members and a trusty van, Peelle takes the audience on a 42 day, 10,000 mile road trip to capture stories of complacency and triumph from all across the country. "For 15 years I had placed my dreams on hold, choosing to create a 'responsible' life instead of chasing my dream t[ZiYuantun.Com]o be a filmmaker. This movie is my stand against complacency. It is a dream come true," said Peelle. The film was financed through a record-setting fund raising campaign ...   译文(2): 总而言之,《我很好,谢谢》是一部关于自满的电影,或者是为什么那么多人在日常生活中以牺牲更大的热情为代价而满足于平{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。它收集了我们做出的选择以及我们最终决定走的道路的故事。最重要的是,这条道路是否真正与我们作为个体的身份相连接。首次执导的威尔明顿本地导演格兰特 · 皮尔以一个初出茅庐的电影制作人的视角讲述了他长期以来对电影的热爱。与其他四名工作人员和一辆可靠的面包车一起,皮勒带领观众进行了为期42天、长达10,000英里的公路旅行,从全国各地捕捉自满和胜利的故事。“15年来,我一直搁置自己的梦想,选择创造一种‘负责任’的生活,而不是追逐自己的梦想,成为一名电影制作人。这部电影是我反对自满的立场。这是一个梦想成真,”皮勒说。这部电影的资金来自一项创纪录的筹款活动。


