Prince of Pot: The U.S. vs. Marc Emery

Prince of Pot: The U.S. vs. Marc Emery



    • 主演: 未知


    Marc Emery, Canada's most prominent marijuana activist popularly known as the "Prince of Pot," faces extradition to the U.S. and a possible life sentence for selling marijuana seeds. ''Prince of Pot'' follows the controversial self-made leader of the marijuana movement as he attempts to raise an army of pot activists and lead them into battle against{Ziyuantun.Com} the U.S. Federal Government and their drug enforcement police, the D.E.A. Through Emery's unique life and career as a civil agitator -- from his beginnings in London, Ontario to his showdown with the U.S. Drug Czar in Vancouver and D.E.A. in Montreal -- the film examines deeper questions: Canadian sovereignty and police integration in a world dominated by its southern neighbor.   译文(3): 马克·埃默里,加拿大最著名的大麻活动家;锅王;面临被引渡到美国,并可能因出售大麻种子而被判处无期徒刑《大麻王子》讲述了这位备受争议的白手起家的大麻运动领袖的故事,他试图组建一支大麻活动家大军,带领他们与美国联邦政府及其缉毒警察缉毒局展开斗争,从安大略省到他在温哥华与美国毒品沙皇和在蒙特利尔与缉毒局的对决,这部电影探讨了更深层次的问题:在一个由其南部邻国主导的世界里,加拿大的主权和警察一体{资源屯}。


