Amber & Dolly: 9 to 5

Amber & Dolly: 9 to 5



    • 主演: 多莉·帕顿菲·雷普利


    Love Island winner Amber Davies has landed the role of a lifetime in Dolly Parton musical 9 to【ZiYuanTun.Com】 5, and ITVBe's cameras are on hand to capture every moment, from audition to opening night. As Amber achieves her dreams of West End stardom in the hotly anticipated stage show, ITVBe has access all areas, following Amber as she heads to Nashville to meet Dolly Parton herself, and sets about preparing for the biggest moment of her life. Having trained in musical theatre before embarking upon her Love Island journey, Amber is going back to her first love, to rekindle her passion for the stage, working '9 to 5' to make her big dream come to fruition. This one off special will feature appearances from Amber's co stars Louise Redknapp and Brian Conley, both of whom will perform alongside Amber in the musical when it opens at the Savoy Theatre in January 2019.   译文(2): 爱之岛获奖者安布尔 · 戴维斯在多莉 · 帕顿的音乐剧《朝九晚五》中饰演了一个终身难忘的角色,ITVBe 的摄像机随时准备拍摄从试镜到首演的每一个瞬{资源屯}。当安布尔在万众期待的舞台表演中实现了她在伦敦西区的明星梦时,ITVBe 进入了所有领域,跟随安布尔前往纳什维尔与多莉 · 帕顿见面,并开始为她人生中最重要的时刻做准备。在开始她的爱岛之旅之前,她在音乐剧方面受过训练,现在她要回到她的初恋,重新点燃她对舞台的激情,朝九晚五的工作让她的梦想成真。这部特别的音乐剧将于2019年1月在 Savoy Theatre 上演,由安布尔的合作演员露易丝 · 雷德克纳普和布莱恩 · 康利主演,他们将与安布尔一起演出。


